A Chinese Ghost

Movie, 1971

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In some village near Sachonsong in China, whenever crows caw at night, a village girl dies. When Ki Seok-Bok's daughter Yi-Hwa died, too, Seok-Bok's son-in-law Jin-Rang keeps watch on his sister-in-law Yeon-Hwa. The crow ghost avoids fight with Jin-Rang, leaving behind a bamboo pipe. As Jin-Rang's wife dies, the crow ghost gets incarnated in her. The crow ghost wanted to kill Ki Seok-Bok and his family because he killed Joo and her daughter Bu-Yong who got engaged with Jin-Rang at that time, in order to marry Jin-Rang to his daughter. The ghost mother and daughter tell the truth about their death to Jin-Rang and leaves after killing Seok-Bok.

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