A Girl Looks Like the Sun

Movie, 1975

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In-Young, a repeater of entrance exam, happened to know a murderer Dong-Su on her way to the sea. As she loses 48,000won in front of the ticket window and can't join her friends, Chang-Yun comes to there looking for her. While he is looking for In-Young, he meets Yeon-Suk, an elderly unmarried writer, who asks him to go to the sea together. But Chang-Yun runs away from her to find In-Young. When she meets Chang-Yun, In-Young tells him to go to the sea first and makes an appointment to meet Dong-Su who is about to search for her lost money in a park. However Dong-Su is chased and shot by the police and In-Young is arrested too. As Chang-Yun and Yeon-Suk , who get in an abandoned car by Dong-Su, are ran after by the police, they jump into the water without thinking of anything.

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