A Real Man

Movie, 2003
Drama Comedy

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During a party somewhere in Paris, an apprentice filmmaker, Boris, and a young executive, Marilyne, play at being a loving couple when they've only just met. They end up really falling in love. Five years later, Marilyne, accompanied by Boris and their two kids, goes to Ibiza on a business trip. Just as Boris, tired of being a househusband, is about to leave her, Marilyne takes off on a lover's spree. Five years later,; Marilyne reappears in the depths of the Pyrenees as the leader of a group of American women on a "personal growth" tour. She learns that the man who is to introduce them to the mysteries of coqs de Bruyère mating rituals is none other than Boris. In the same way that, five years earlier, they played at being intimate when they'd only just met, Marilyne and Boris will now play at being strangers when they know each other, For the very best.

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