Aga Bai Arecha

Movie, 2004
Comedy Family

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A man suddenly finds that he can hear what women are thinking. Shriranga Deshmukh (Ranga) is a frustrated man in life. His frustration is particularly towards the women in his life - his wife, his mother and particularly his ever-angry boss. He feels they are in control of his life. Once on a trip to his native village, he participates in an annual festival during which he discovers that he has now gained an ability to listen to women's thoughts. At first, he is confused. But soon, on being counselled by a female psychologist, he learns to look at his abilities as a gift instead of a curse. From that point onwards, the insight into the female mind helps him understand the women around him. It helps him see their frustrations and dilemmas brought on by everyday life. Being good at heart, he slowly starts using this understanding to improve his relationship with his wife, mother, grandmother, his boss and even his father.

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Aga Bai Arechya | CLIMAX Scene | Best Hilarious | Sanjay Narvekar | Marathi Movie


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