Alone in the Crowd

Movie, 1984

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Rajan, though successful in his job, but his family life is not so happy. His wife, Nalini, aspires for a fellowship in Harvard University, US, leaving behind her husband and kid, Babumon. When his father, Madhavan, a retired school teacher, is down with ailment, Rajan along with his family returns to his ancestral home. Rajan's elder sister, Vishalam, younger sister, Seethalakshmi & husband Padmanabhan also arrive to meet their father, as his health condition was serious. Madhavan's daughters and in-laws were busy in their own ways, as they don't wish to spend many days with their dying father. In his sickness, Madhavan expresses his wish to meet his niece, Ammukutty, Ammu arrives and took care of her dying uncle. Madhavan's children except Rajan leaves as Ammu was there to look after their father. Rajan remembers his young days of romance with Ammu.

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