
Movie, 2000

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Set in Bangkok's Chinatown in the 1940's this film is about two secret society's that hate each other. Ang Yee is a senior member of one of them. He is also a trained martial arts expert and in a show at a Chinese temple during a festival, real swords are used between both gangs shocking the audience that runs away as fast as they can. He wins the fight but just barely and leaves two opposing gang members dead. However, he is seriously injured. He passes out in the street but is helped by Nekhon and her brother who are on their way home. They decide to take him with them to help him but that's only after a disagreement as her brother just wants to leave him to die. Their mother refuses to let them in at first but eventually agrees and they help him to heal his wounds. He falls in love with Nekhon who also has a jealous boyfriend. The opposing secret society gang finds out where he is and goes there killing her mother. A major gang battle ensues.

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Trailer - / ANG-YEE Release Date 2000 [Official]


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