Bianco, rosso e Verdone

Movie, 1981

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Three Italian have to move from their current city to vote to local elections elsewhere. Pasquale is an Italian emigrant living in Munich (Germany). He has to vote in Matera, Basilicata (south of Italy). He is genuinely happy to come back in Italy, even if just for some days; but the country he is dreaming is different from the reality he meets. Furio move from Torino to Roma with all his family. He is so niggler and heavy that Magda, his wife, is thinking to escape. Mimmo is a young good fellow, moving with his grand mother, from Verona to Roma. His trip is disturbed by worries about her health, while she is very calm. Written by 1felco

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Bianco, rosso e Verdone (1980) - Trailer


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