
Movie, 1991
Drama Music

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This is a family drama. A poor school master had three sons and one daughter. He was very tense for his daughter's marriage. He meets his former student Bablu, who meets Minu and falls in love with her. He wants to marry Minu. But Minu loved another boy, Alok. Bablu meets Alok and helps him by giving him a job in his office. But Alok was an uncivilised person and falls in love with Rupali, a girl in Bablu's office. Rupali was not a very nice person. Bablu warned Alok about her but Alok left Minu and started staying with Rupali. Minu was dejected and wanted revenge. She wants to transform herself and Bablu helps her to become Minoti,a modern cultured lady. Alok now wants to get Minoti but she slaps him. Minoti realizes that Bablu is the right man for her and they get married.

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Bidhilipi | | Official Trailer | Bengali Movie | Ranjit Mallick, Moushumi Chatterjee


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