Blue Seagull

Movie, 1994
Animation Action Crime

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In the days of Chosun Korea, a Sword (Royal Gift) was stolen and taken to Japan by a grave robber. A brave young man named Hail fights international criminals to get the Sword back. One day in Japan, Yakuza boss Ohmikkami is cruelly killed by the Mafia and take the Royal Sword. The young man, informed that the Sword is in the hands of the Mafia, visits Japan and New York to take back the Sword. His girlfriend, Chaerin, is a car engineer who is also in New York for a car show. Hail finds out the location of the Sword in New York through his beautiful American assistant Josie. The mafia, worried about the safety of the Sword, kidnaps Josie. Hail is forced to confront them to get her and the Sword back. Will he win and get them both back?

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