Born of Unknown Father

Movie, 1950

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Raymond Denis, a humble worker, has refused to acknowledge the child His girlfriend Rose gave birth to. As a result of his weak attitude, Rose, after leaving the baby in care, drowned herself in a canal. Raymond, accused of killing her, now appears before the court. He is defended by a successful attorney, Matre Claude Nogent. When the latter in his speech accuses the unfairness of society who drives the destitute to wrongdoing, the retort isn't long in coming : the prosecutor lets the court know that Nogent's line of defense is biased since his own father is unknown. Claude, whose mother had never told about it, is upset. However the move backfires : Raymond is acquitted and he decides to bring up his (and his dear Rose's) child. As for Claude he will be able to marry Jacqueline, whose wealthy parents hitherto refused as a son-in-law.

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