
Movie, 1987

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At his house, the bishop reads from an advance copy of a novel "Budawanny: A Bishop's Tale" by Thomas Connor, with a statement on the flap saying that it is now a major film. He writes to the author telling him he has no need to read it. The bishop asserts that his job is to make religion work. The bishop recollects that the story is as old as the hills. A young woman, Marian, arrives at a pier and enquires of two boatmen whether the priest is on the nearby island. Marian "falls" from the boat and is brought to the priest's house. At the priest's house, she is ill and is cared for by a doctor and the priest. While saying mass, the priest remembers a meeting with the woman. Marian recovers and begins to take on the role of housekeeper. When pressed by the priest about what happened on the boat, Marian says that she panicked, though they both recall their earlier liaison.

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