Dance With Solitude

Movie, 2004
Family Drama

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In a countryside town called Mulgeun lives a bohemian man named BAE Joong-dal. His goals in life are to get his younger brother BAE Joong-bum, now in his fifties, married and to thrive with his new start-up ostrich farm. Living nest door is a pain-in-the-neck named CHO Jin-bong who breaks apart the fence to the ostrich farm, resulting in a scuffle. Suddenly a beautiful and graceful woman - which is hard to find in Mulgeun - unexpectedly shows up in town. Her appearance starts to stir up troubles among the residents. Joong-bum, meanwhile, never appreciates his brother’s efforts to set him up on dates. One day after running away from a panned date, he returns home drunk late at night and confesses something shocking to his brother...

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