Diary of a Rapist

Movie, 1995

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This Italian film takes a chilling, nonexploitative look into the mind of a nice young man who compulsively rapes beautiful women. The rapes are graphically presented and may be disturbing to some viewers. Outwardly Luca seems to be a normal, quiet 20-year old. His mother is frequently gone. Trouble begins when Luca becomes obsessed with Valeria, the beauty who works in the next building. He begins spying on her, and then secretly filming her with his camcorder. He tries to get to know her, but she ignores him. Unable to stand her constant refusal, the frustrated young man accosts her on dark street and rapes her. The first rape was almost accidental; he encountered her on the street and he hurt her. Unfortunately, he liked the violence and begins raping every attractive woman he sees. He is particularly violent with Lorena, a jewelry saleswoman whom he beats up in a park before violating her.

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