Ek Jaan Hain Hum

Movie, 1983

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Coming from a decent upper middle-class family, Vikram Saxena meets with gorgeous Seema Singh, and both fall in love. But their respective families have other plans for them. While Vikram is able to convince his advocate dad, Shyam Sunder, to change his mind, Seema is unable to do so, and her marriage is being planned with a U.S. resident. Things take a turn for the worst when the police arrest Vikram with arson, with evidence that he had burned down a property belonging to Seema's dad, Colonel Ram Mohan Singh. Due to this, Vikram's dad comes forward to defend him, and Seema will not have anything to do with him anymore. Shyam Sunder realizes that the only way he can save his son from being imprisoned is to have him certified as insane, but will have to live with the consequences for the rest of his life, as well as the the stigma this will place on his family for years to come.

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