Gold Diggers

Movie, 2003

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National Lampoon's Gold Diggers is a black comedy about two losers in their twenties, Calvin Menhoffer (Will Friedle) and Leonard Smallwood (Chris Owen), who are out to get the good life without working for it. The two young men try to rob two 70-year-old sisters, Betty Mundt (Renee Taylor) and Doris Mundt (Louise Lasser). The two sisters beat the two young men up, and send them to jail. The ladies drop the charges, and invite the jailbirds to their Beverly Hills mansion. Cal gets an idea that they could marry the women for their money and live the good life. Hopefully, they will only live 6-months and at most one-year. It turns out that Betty and Doris are broke, and they have come up with a plan to marry the boys, kill them, and collect the life insurance money. After several unsuccessful murder attempts on each other, they join forces to rob Betty and Doris's rich uncle

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National Lampoon's Gold Diggers / Lady Killers 2003 trailer


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