Good Boy, Bad Boy

Movie, 2007
Music Comedy Romance

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As a new principal of a college [of fairly bad reputation], Mr. Awasthi has to take steps which are stringent and yet, fruitful. He has a handful of problems: good students emigrating from the college, the bad ones disrupting the class and similar others. His corrective measures have changed the scenario drastically, except that it has a small glitch- There are two R. Malhotras. Rajan Malhotra is the nerdy "Good Boy", while the other R. Malhotra, Raju is the spoiled "bad Boy" of the campus. Their Identity cards are mixed up and somehow they find themselves in the opposite sections. The Good one in the bad boys' section and vice versa. Now the principal knows this, and he has proposed their name [real Raju- the bad boy] in the annual quiz and [real rajan- the good boy] dance competitions respectively. Time is short. It is now upon them to prove their mettle in the competitions, in the eyes of their parents...

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