Hao nu shi ba jia

Movie, 1988
Comedy Drama

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The gorgeous Cherie Chung is a cursed bride in the hilarious romantic comedy 18 Times! Gigi (Cherie Chung) is a young woman with no shortage of potential husbands to choose from. The big problem: every single one of her husbands dies after becoming wealthy! As a result, Gigi is obscenely rich, but she can't seem to find a "Mr. Right" that won't die! Numbers one through seventeen all get shuffled off the mortal coil, making Gigi promise to never love again. But when charming Jack Wong (Kenny Bee) shows up, will Gigi risk love for the eighteenth time? Director Joe Cheung creates laughs and hijinks aplenty, and a full cast of Hong Kong cinema stars - including Teresa Carpio, Sing Fui On, and John Sham, Eric Tsang, and Lowell Lo as three of Gigi's doomed husbands - turn in hilarious, self-effacing performances. Cherie Chung and Kenny Bee risk his death for their love in 18 Times!

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