Hari Puttar

Movie, 2008
Comedy Drama Family

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Hariprasad Dhoonca lives with his mom, Sangeeta; dad, Amul; and brother, Rocky in London, England; has a room to himself and plenty of space to play. His privacy will be invaded by the arrival of his aunt, Santosh, his uncle, DK, as well as three cousins and their friends. He will be asked to relocate to another room, while he will be temporarily occupied by his female cousins and their friends. Unhappy with his arrangement; picked upon by his older brother and cousins, he desperately prays to Bhagwan Shri Hanuman for everyone's disappearance. The next morning, he will be delighted to find that his wish has apparently come true - and the only person left in the house is his cousin, Tuk Tuk. While both rejoice with the extra space and freedom from adult supervision - their joy will soon turn to horror and fear when two burglars break into the house to steal a computer chip that belongs to Hariprasad's dad.

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Harry Puttar


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