Hong Kong Eva

Movie, 1993

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Ann and her sister Betty live with May and Connie, who all work in real estate. Connie succumbs to pressure to be very nice to male clients, so to increase sales. Connie is also nice to nasty gangster Frankie, who fancies anything that moves, but particularly, Ann and Betty. There's also ex-rascal Tong, trying to keep out of trouble for the sake of his young daughter Wai. Kind-hearted Ann is good friends with them. Tong has a pal just out of jail, Chi. May is bored with her boyfriend, and leaves for Europe with another guy. Frankie tries dirty tricks to snare first Ann then Betty, and he involves Connie in a blackmail scheme. This results in innocent people getting killed, and a gory gun battle for revenge, which leaves only one of the story's characters alive at the end. The sequel, Body Lover, starts in the same scene as the finish of HK Eva.

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