Hu Tu Tu

Movie, 1999

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Panna is the only daughter of politician Maltidevi. Panna is very critical of her mother, when she decides to separate from her dad, and asked Chief Minister Sawantrao Gadre to move in with them, for political reasons. Sawantrao has been using Maltidevi to win his election, which he does. Malti avenges this humiliation, wins the next election, and has Sawantrao killed. Malti then becomes the new Chief Minister. The main thorns on her side are Bhau, the leader of the downtrodden lower caste dalits, and her very daughter, who is very friendly with Bhau. One day Panna is abducted by Aditya and his group of revolutionaries, and held by them. It is there that Panna learns about the atrocities committed by her mom in the name of politics, and it is then she must decide whether to be loyal to her mom, or take the side of Aditya and the revolutionaries.

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