Jakarta Undercover

Movie, 2006
Thriller Crime

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After accidently killing her temperamental father in order to save her mom from his abuse, Viki flees from Medan to Jakarta with her autistic brother, Ara. To make ends meet in Jakarta, Viki poses as a transvestite and works as a striptease dancer. With no one to watch over her brother, Viki brings Ara every night to the club where she works and hide him in one corner of the room at the club. One day, Ara accidently witnesses an act of murder by Haryo, son of an official, and his friends. Realizing his crime action witness by Ara, Haryo and his friends chase Viki and Ara, determined to silene the two before they go to the police. For the sake of saving his brother’s life, Viki secretly flee from one place to another in order to escape Haryo and friends. Will Viki and Ara escape?

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