Last Night of Love

Movie, 1980
Drama War

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In 1916, shortly before Romania's entry in World War One Romanian Army Lieutenant Tudor Gheorghiu is posted to a border patrol unit on Romania's border with Austria-Hungary. Not receiving any news from his wife he persuades the commanding officer, Captain Dimiu, to allow him a short leave to visit his wife. Tudor married Lena two years before but was very jealous and suspected her of infidelity. When his grandfather dies Tudor inherits most of the fortune. Gigolo lawyer Andrei Nicolau is the executor of the will. He also is the man who lustfully desires Tudor's beautiful wife. A contest for Lena's love begins. Romania is plunged into WW1 and ironically Tudor receives his junior Lieutenant commission in the same regiment where gigolo lawyer Nicolau serves as a Major. Their destinies seem intertwined.

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