Le Fear

Movie, 2010

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Carlos Revalos a 21 times Film Director embarks on his biggest Film yet 'Le Fear' a horror love story with a 3 million pound budget what can go wrong? everything as Carlos hires the worst cast and crew ever to walk on this planet which makes the film a recipe for disaster, Larry Rothschild the executive producer on the film who was promised Brad Pitt which never happened instead he got Leon the pompous Lead actor who walks off set time and time again, Debbie D the hysterical inexperienced glamor model who fluffs her lines over and over, the werewolf wearing a rain coat and who cant speak a word of English and the sparky who is color blind and many more misfits and Carlos has no control of any of them this is Larry's first attempt at investing in a film and no doubt his last.

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LE FEAR film school The Only Horror In This Film Are The Cast & Crew


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