Les joyeux pélerins

Movie, 1951

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With no contract in view, Aimé Barelli, the leader of the band of the same name, decides to take a holiday. As this is the Holy Year, the young artist accepts to follow his mother on a pilgrimage to Rome. His band members - complete with their agent - decide to follow suit. Good idea because on the train to Rome, there is a whole class of charming schoolgirls, including charming Rosita and - surprise ! - Nicole, Aimé's pretty but elusive beloved. The trip is cheerful but eventful and life gets even more complicated with the interference of Duranval, a fake talent agent but genuine trouble shooter. At a time confusion is such that a bomb explodes and the whole gang find themselves in ... heaven! But Saint Peter has pity on them and sends them back to earth. At long last Aimé can marry Nicole while his musicians spread mirth around them.

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