Lewd Lizard

Movie, 1979
Horror Drama

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A young suitor loses his girlfriend to a wealthy businessman. At first he's angry. Then in a fit of depression, he goes to the sea shore where he finds lizards. Immediately he puts the lizards into a bag and takes them home. Then he becomes obsessed with ladies dirty underwear and he steals six or seven "tainted" ones from public restrooms and brothels. At this point the man mixes the juices from the underwear with a special "aggressive compound" and then injects the fluid into the lizards. The little reptiles (now hooked on "love juice") become soldiers in his personal battle against females. "I hate women!" he screams, holding helpless victim's legs apart allowing the little creatures to gain entrance. Lots of women die, driven mad with sexual ecstasy and pain, while the misogynist psycho howls with laughter.

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