Lian'ai qiyi

Movie, 2001
Drama Romance

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Lian' Ai Qiyi is a collection of short films about young love in Hong Kong. The first is the story of Joe a shy lesbian who falls madly in love a strange woman. In fact, Joe's attraction is so strong that she decides to kidnap the woman and hold her a prisoner at her flat. An inexperienced kidnapper, Joe muddles her way through her first days as jailor, slowly but surely winning her captive's heart. In My Beloved, a deranged pizza boy named Robin is the main character and the story starts on the day he purchases a new handgun called the "Ejaculator". Robin so loves his new weapon that he eats, sleeps, and drinks with it, until finally the gun begins talking to him like a lover. Og, G! is the third short: two teenagers who meet on the Internet.get along well despite their mismatched personalities, Lawrence being an immature slob, and Charlene a dreamer seeking an idealized romantic love. But their platonic relationship blossoms into something more once they decide to meet in the flesh.

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