Los caifanes

Movie, 1967
Drama Comedy

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After the sudden end of a high class party, a couple, Jaime and Paloma (Enrique lvarez Flix y Julissa), splits from the group and wander through some streets of Mexico City. The rain and the searching for a most proper place for intimacy head them to a car apparently abandoned. After a little kissing in the car, the couple realizes that the car is actually owned by Captain Gato and his caifanes. This encounter starts a tour around Mexico City, encouraged by the fascination shown by Paloma and for the manners, the way of speech and the treatment of the lower classes as well as the spontaneous friendship (always under suspect) that Los Caifanes provides them. The rest of the film is a portrait of the night life in the mexican capital city in the tumultuous and psychedelic sixties. As the group goes to cabarets, parks, funeral homes, taverns and public squares, some customs of the time are shown, alternating with a wide range of artistic expressions.

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