Manzil Manzil

Movie, 1984
Family Drama

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Mr. Malhotra has an only daughter named Seema. He would like Seema to marry Pawan, the son of Gautam. Seema is receptive to this, and even arranges to meet with Pawan. While traveling alone one day in the country side, Seema meets up with Vijay, and both fall in love. Unknown to both, Mr. Malhotra has been approached by an international smuggler Niranjan Das, who is impersonating Mr. Malhotra's childhood friend, and has asked for Seema's hand in marriage for his son Roopesh. Seema subsequently has an accident and loses her memory. She is looked after by Gautam, who will not let anyone, including Vijay, to come anywhere near Seema. And even if Seema's memory does return, she will have to consent to marrying Roopesh, her father's choice

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