Maschio latino cercasi

Movie, 1977

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t Happened in Naples . - A tourist, duped by Carmine thinks of buying a fourteen year old virgin and is sold at a homosexual. Tonight or Never - The rich ing. Bislecchi , rejected by Gigia maintained , it does " rejuvenated " by dr. Himler and becomes a robot. The amnesty . - Milcare , with the excuse to see a good lawyer , possesses under the eyes of her husband Colonel sure to enjoy then of an impending amnesty . Gennarino the emigrant . - In Germany with his wife Anna , Gennaro works as a stallion for the lowest category of porn movies . Only when he's in front of his wife as partner reaches record performance . Exchange made ​​in Germany. - Nicola and Sisina , Sicilian barons , go to Germany for an "exchange of couples" , Sisina is reluctant ; Then , when her husband fails to disinibirla , beats him by far.

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