Meng gui xi lie zhi Yi mei dao gu

Movie, 1990
Horror Action

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Police School is haunted. Chan Sir and Tong Sir in order to drive out the ghosts, so they find out nine police, who is the dragon-year born, to practice an array. Because of arrogant of Inspector Li Lan Yuk, makes others with bad feeling. They decide to play a trick on her and have lots of joke. They know the goal of training is to seize the ghosts, they all left the training. But the camp is already controlled by the ghosts, causes they stay here to help Chan to seize the ghosts. In Lunar night, on July 14, Chan unable to seize the ghosts, Madam Lee takes out the family secrets and turns into a Taoist priestess to fight with the ghosts. At last, Lee and master drive out all the ghosts

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