
Movie, 1996

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Few people realize that the great movie-character archetypes over time have become real people and walk among us. At least that is the premise the filmmakers of this off-beat and comical parody of old films would have viewers believe. With a nod towards film noir, the story centers on a missing television western sheriff who inexplicably disappears mid-season. This greatly upsets Monica "Mo" Fitzgerald who is in charge of the huge entertainment conglomerate that invented the sheriff, so she hires hard-boiled detective "Same Follow" to find him. In true Raymond Chandler fashion he begins his search and even gets entangled with a blond femme fatale who explains to him how Mo' has brainwashed all the actors working for her into becoming their characters or "sprites" as she calls them. In looking more closely, Follow discovers that it is increasingly difficult to tell the sprites from real people.

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