Money Chase

Movie, 1987

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Treasury employee Fatty (Eric Tsang) discovered that bags of used 30 million in Hong Kong Dollars have not been incinerated due to a system error; therefore, he hatches up a plot to grab the doe before they are burned. He seeks his friends Mark (Mark Cheng) and Tomboy (Anglie Leung) to help him with the heist; but, they also enlist actual thief Baldy (Karl Maka), who had just been released from prison, to double the assistance with his thievery skills. But, Baldy wants the money for his own and to share it with love interest Siu-Fung (Paula Tsui). Hot on their trail is a hothead inspector (Ching Wong) and a nun, Sister Maria (Brigitte Lin), who wants to save them for redemption.

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[Trailer] ( The Thirty Million Rush )


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