Mr. Rossi's Dreams

Movie, 1977
Adventure Animation

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At the end of another week of work Rossi returns home with the intention of enjoying a quiet and peaceful weekend. He lives with Gastone, his dog-friend,who, after a week of loneliness, can't wait to go out, for instance to the movies, and have fun. Gastone as a matter of fact is a passionate fan of movies, television and heroes' books. He always compares Rossi with them and nags with a petulant : "Rossi, Rossi, if you only were...braver, stronger, richer...". His continuous complaints push Rossi to identify himself with those heroes; throughout the film we will meet Rossi-Tarzan, Rossi-Astronaut, Rossi-Sherlock Holmes, Rossi-Zorro, Rossi-Hollywood actor, Rossi-scientist, Rossi-Lancelot, Rossi-Aladdin. Eight fantastic adventures in which Rossi, along with faithful Gastone, relishes the joy of being a hero.

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