Muchachas, muchachas, muchachas

Movie, 1968

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A group of college girls are traveling through Guanajuato, Mexico when their car suddenly breaks down. In an attempt to get a male passer-by to help them, the girls (led by the voluptuous Rosa Maria Vazquez) strip down to their bras and panties. At first, they are snubbed by a gay couple, but eventually the young women receive help from a local 'farm worker' (Dominican actor Andres Garcia). From here, the coeds are taken to a local town, where they are mistaken for a group of strippers. To tantalize would-be beaus, the young lovelies parade around their apartment complex in bikinis. The coeds' leader begins to fall in love with the 'farm worker,' but it is later revealed that he is not what he appears to be.

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