Mulberry to Rome

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With the simple snap of a football, Tony Magliocco's life changes forever. What seemed like the bet of a lifetime has now turned into a true major league nightmare. Sitting across from Don Luciano, Little's Italy's mob boss, Tony and his friends Ralphie and Louie know they're in a nasty bind, and there is only one thing to do - Get the hell out of town! Welcome to Ken-"Friggin"-Tucky!!. Hiding from Don Luciano in Kentucky, Tony and the boys are like fish out of water when it comes to farm town living. With the sweet dreams of giant cannoli's, the boys fall asleep unaware that life is about to deal them a bum hand. They are about to travel to ancient Rome, where they get to meet the great Caesar himself. Boys from Brooklyn are about to rewrite history. Tony and the boys find themselves back in time, face to face with Brutus on March 15th, the day Brutus killed Caesar. Brutus crews vs. Brooklyn crew, the boys from Brooklyn rewrite history. Brooklyn crew comes back to NY proud of what.

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