Nan de you qing lang

Movie, 1991
Drama Fantasy Romance

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Sheila returns to Hong Kong for a summer reunion with her parents. However, she is distressed by her parents' quarrels. From their quarrels, Sheila soon finds out that her mother's, Myunt, love affair with an actor, Ho, in the past. Ho loved Myunt dearly. He even killed himself to protect her reputation. Sheila arranges a seance meeting between Ho and her mother. Something goes wrong and Ho is stranded in the human world. Gradually, Sheila falls in love with Ho. To her great dismay, Ho shows his love to Myunt only. Sheila thus helps him to be with Myunt again. Sheila's father is outraged. He calls on all celestial powers to send Ho back to the other world. Sheila throws herself to protect him. She is killed. In order to give Sheila a new life, Ho promises to return to ghost land and gives up any chance of a new incarnation, then Sheila revives.

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