Nexxt - Frau Plastic Chicken Show

Movie, 2001
Comedy Drama Crime

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In the 20th live broadcast of Frau Plastic Chicken’s TV show entitled Nexxt, the first guest comes from the sixties: it is the hero of Burgess’s novel A Clockwork Orange, the notorious murderer Alexander Grushkin, that is, Little Alex. With the help of Egodoki, Frau PC has the Ludovico Technique applied on him, and beside the broken Alex she has Rex Madison, the protagonist of American Psycho brought in, with handcuffs on. The self-assured gigolo breaks down at the appearance of Maggie, his first love, and it is he who wins the confessional show led by Mrs Cardinal Paula Aquarius, which incurs pardon to be given. Rex, freed from his shackles, shoots the majority of those present, rapes PC and leaves together with Alex by helicopter. The show continues on the moon.

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