Normal Female Age

Movie, 1990

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The home of the younger brother is broken by the death of the father, and the younger ones get a job at the coffee shop with the introduction of friend Mi Young. There, we start the same business' s chaos and poor but innocent love. However, Chanwu falls into the twist of the black handjob madam, abandoning the soul and passing through the gynecological gynecology. However, the younger soul, Chan Woo and Jean Madam, are determined to take revenge and lead a hard life. In the meantime, a young lady who met a cheong - cheon, a cheong - cheon, is accompanied by a couple of women in the same position, and she sets up a room cafe called 'Women' s Era 'and gradually builds a business base. Finally, the young man who seized the opportunity to ruin Chanwu and the rainy season wall is desperately avenged. However, I can not help but feel the collapse behind it.

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