Okariki Okaru

Movie, 2003
Family Drama Romance

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Swapna is a NRI who has come to India for a visit along with her grandfather. Kameshwar rao is on a pilgrimage to Kaasi on the request of his grandmother as he had completed graduation successfully. Kamesh sees Swapna at a railway station and falls in love with her at the first sight. Swapna along with her grandfather leave for their relative's place in a hurry without giving a chance for Swapna to inform Rahul, but somehow Swapna places a note in Rahul's wallet before leaving. Her father comes in between for the engagement and stops it as the relatives had actually cheated them on business due to which Swapna's uncle succumbs to a cardiac arrest. After one year Kamesh is in hunt for his love, so he decides to go to the USA. The story unfolds in such a way that he goes to the US and is working under Deepak, who is Swapna's cousin. The climax anyway sees Kamesh meeting his love and winning it. And so the film ends with a happy note.

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