Our Twisted Hero

Movie, 1992

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This is the story of the dreams, agony discord and friendship of a group of country school boys before the beginning of Korea's economic boom in the late 50s and 60s. The story begins with Han Byung-tae, a lecturer at a college entrance preparatory institute, recalling his primary school days, 30 years ago. Byung-tae's father was transferred at that time into a rural area from his government office in Seoul. Byung-tae started attending the local school, there he meets Um Suk-dae, The class monitor and bully. At first there is conflict between the two boys but eventually Byung-tae submits to the oppression. A new teacher, Kim chong-won takes Charge of the class and begins to put all the wrongs right by teaching the boys about equality, justice, truth, courage and democracy.

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