Pilgrim Lovers

Movie, 2011
Romance Drama Horror

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Gayuma is a magical love story going beyond the boundaries of social class, religious and superstitious beliefs, and urban-rural prejudices. A failed exorcism of a statue of the Child Jesus led a poor sacristan, Delfin, to concoct a love potion to make Carla, a rich girl, fall for him. After Carla drinks the potion and assents to his advances, Delfin couldn't believe his luck until he is no longer certain whether Carla really loves him. Delfin descends into a deep sleep of paranoia, from which medial science couldn't wake him. Carla goes on a pilgrimage to the heart of a mountain to overturn the potion. A possessed statue of a Child Jesus stands between them. Will their faith bring them together or keep them apart?

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