Pocket Maar

Movie, 1974

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After the passing away of son and daughter-in-law, prominent businessman, Rai, undertakes to look after his grand-daughter, Asha, with a lot of love and affection. When she grows old enough to be a ravishing beauty, he is anxious to get her married to the right man before he passes away. He finds out that Asha has a boyfriend by the name of Madan Malhotra, and although he has never met him, he disapproves of him, but finally gives in to Asha's wishes. When Madan returns from abroad, Rai is pleasantly surprised at Asha's choice and welcomes Madan with open arms. Shortly thereafter on his birthday, Rai formally announces their engagement. When Rai does not know is that Madan is not who he claims to be but is, in fact, a thief and pick-pocket by the name of Shankar, who has been hired by Asha to impersonate the real Madan. Watch what happens when the real Madan returns and attempts to assert his love for Asha.

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