Resentment of Daughter-in-Law

Movie, 1971

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1. Just married couple Mun-Su and Yeon-Yeon happened to meet a bandit when they are walking in a mountain. Mun-Su runs away alone and Yoen-Yeon bits her tongue to death in danger of rape. Meanwhile the bridegroom finds a deserted house where he stays that night. Yeon-Yeon's resented spirit changes into a girl and tempts him to go to dead world together. 2. A rich nobleman Mr. Kim is eager to have a baby when he meets Kong-Nyeo. Soon she becomes his concubine and is pregnant. Mr. Kim's wife is madly jealous of Kong-Nyeo and locks her in a separate house. As soon as Kong-Nyeo gives birth to a baby, Mrs. Kim kills Kong-Nyeo and pretends the baby is hers. Resented and sad spirit of Kong-Nyeo drives Mr. Kim's house in fear.

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