Sarivar Sari

Movie, 2005

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Vini and Mani are sisters who belong to an orthodox family which values conformity over independence. Their family and surroundings are a constant reminder of what their place and aim in life should be. While Vini, born with an intellect and desire to work towards her goals, finds her way by accepting these limitations, Mani refuses to lead a predestined life. She rebels against traditions and charts her own path. Mani's struggle to find her place under the sun brings her in direct conflict with the rigid society. Armed with boundless energy and a burning desire to make her own mark in this world, she crosses all hurdles, but fame proves expensive. While her sister is applauded, Mani is scorned. She finds herself at the pinnacle of glory, alone without her father's pride or a pat on the back. As pressures mounts, it seems her family might disintegrate.

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