
Movie, 1994

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India's capital Delhi is the center-point of this story, depicted as a degenerate and corrupt city with Members of Parliament with big criminal rap sheets, ruling the roost, transferring or killing honest police officers, promotion their own corrupt cops, openly collecting weekly bribes (haftas) from local businesses, pimps, prostitutes ET AL, even openly holding an auction for bidders to bid for areas for black-marketing purposes. Lala Khurana is the uncrowned king of Delhi and he runs it with the help of a Member of Parliament, & the Director General of Police. His advocate Chintamani Chaubey wants him to contest the next elections, ensuring his win, and making his own laws, appointing his own police officers, who will do his bidding, carrying on without any checks and balance. Khurana likes this idea, but feels he is getting too old, but would like his son, Devendra Kumar, to run and be the next State Chief Minister.

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