The Green, Green Grass of Home

Movie, 1982
Comedy Drama Family

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Da-Nian is a young man from Taipei. He goes to a remote village and works as a substitute teacher. He and Su-Yun, another teacher at the school, fall in love. There are several students in his class who are like the naughty "three musketeers", and a sad, silent boy Xiang-Wang, who's parents are divorced. Besides, in order to support the family, Xian-Wang's father kills the fish in the river with electricity, which is against the law and causes a lot of damage to the natural resources. Because of this, Xian-Wang has been teased by other school children. At last, he becomes so upset and runs away from home...

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EARLY HOU HSIAO-HSIEN: THREE FILMS 1980-1983 (Masters of Cinema) HD Trailer


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