The Machine

Movie, 2005
Drama Comedy Science Fiction

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In Nordestina, a small town lost in the Brazilian badlands, young Karina dreams of becoming an actress and leaving to explore the world. Before losing his love, Dona Nazaré’s son, Antônio, takes the first step in a kamikaze crusade to bring the world to Karina. For that, Antônio leaves town and announces, in a TV show that he will set off on a sensational adventure: a trip into the future, starting from Nordestina’s square. If he fails, he assures a death machine will destroy him, alive and via satellite, for everybody to see. A story where dreams contradict reality, geographical and political conditions threaten to block life, and love plays the part of the transforming element.

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Trailer - A Mquina, o Amor o combustivel


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