The Night Buffalo

Movie, 2007

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Unable to cope with the fact that his girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend, a twenty-two year old schizophrenic sets an elaborate revenge plan into motion before taking his own life. Gregorio has been in and out of mental hospitals for years. During Gregario's time away, his girlfriend Tania and their good friend Manuel (Diego Luna) began an illicit affair. Before long Tania and Manuel have fallen in love. Though Gregario and Manuel seem to reconcile after Gregario is discharged from the hospital, everything changes with Gregario commits suicide. Upon Gregario's death, Manuel inherits a box of notes, lyrics, and other curiosities from his old friend. Later, Manuel begins receiving unsigned letters quoting Gregario's writings and starts hearing excerpts from the letters in conversation and in the media, leading the unscrupulous friend to fear for his own sanity.

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El Bfalo de la Noche - Trailer Oficial


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