The Passion of Berenice

Movie, 1976
Drama Thriller Romance

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Berenice (Navarro) is a woman with a mysterious past. A scar crosses her face and nightmares of fire and horses fill her lonely nights. She maybe killed her husband but nobody can be sure. In the present, Berenice lives with her godmother (Roldn) a money lender so fragile that she's always resting in her bed. The two women live in an almost perpetual seclusion, except on Sundays when they go to the church and to the movies. One day, the godmother's doctor dies and she asks Berenice to go to his velatory. There they meet Rodrigo (Armendriz Jr.) the doctor's son, a handsome and free-spirited young man for whom Berenice falls in love.

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La Pasin segn Berenice * pelcula mexicana


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