The World of Silence

Movie, 2006

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World of Silence, a.k.a. Missing Girl, is a classic who-dunnit mystery/suspense/thriller/melodrama drama/buddy cop comedy from South Korea. At its heart, it's the story of a world weary cop, and his goof-ball partner, investigating a series of murders of young orphaned girls who appear to have been tripping on non-indigenous magic mushrooms and otherwise treated very well before their deaths. No visible signs of trauma. Woven into that is the story of a man who possesses extra-sensory abilities and a constantly unfolding history of sadness and loss who, coincidentally or not, appears ahead of the cops at each of the crime scenes and who, as plot would have it, takes custody of a young orphaned girl with a very plot specific special disease.

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World Of Silence - Trailer (2008, Korea) (with English Subtitles)


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